​‘Twas December of sixty-nine, at Grandma’s house the fudge was fine

Daddy drove there through the night, with coffee, and with all his might

And Momma helped him stay awake, she would read and feed him cake

All the cousins gathered there, with food and presents everywhere

In one house we’d all abide, all pile in for a spider ride

Hats and gloves, and scarves as well, where would we go? We couldn’t tell

The city dump where we could smell, the graveyard where we rest a spell

The engine’s roar, the muffler loud, it was cold, but we were proud

Our family with a car unique, Hey, I think I know that street!

We wildly greet all those in sight, then home to warm up for the night

The crackling fire it warmed us well, and around it, stories we would tell

Of days gone by, and raising kids, of cars we bought and auction bids

Chestnuts roasted on the pan above, a scent that filled the house with love

With Grandpa out the door we’d go, to get more sticks to make it glow

The fire, the rug, the memories dear, all help to keep our loved ones near

The dishes that Grandma painted herself, look as if they were done by an elf

Little red roses, and yellow ones too, pretty gold accents with highlights of blue

Collecting yardsticks, he had a lot, when I asked to have one, he said you may not

A game of Rummikub might last all day, their friends would even come over to play

Cooking some steaks on the barbecue grill, the taste and aroma remains with me still

The clocks that ticked and chimed all night, kept us awake till morning bright

Each clock was set each hour to chime, so Grandpa could always tell time

Hand made puzzles filled his shelves, a challenge we could try ourselves

The Sound of Music was on the screen, at the Coleman Theater, it was keen

The smoke in circles, grew in size, from Uncle Charlie’s pipe did rise

In the kitchen, soup was made, aunts were welcome, laughter stayed

Ingredients were added to, relationships that bloomed and grew

The counter space was taken up, with stories shared and measuring cups

The love they nurtured in our heart, as each one gave and did their part

Then ring the bell, alert the crowd, the piece de resistance is served now

The table’s set, and what a spread, it’s way beyond a buttered bread

The salad, fixings, roasted pig, an apple in its mouth, can you dig?

Onions, green beans, taters too, candied yams and turkey, whew

Cranberry salad, croissant rolls, for sure we will eat all of those

Chocolate cake and pecan pie, bread crumbs, gravy, my, my, my

Our handmade stockings hanging there, filled with games to play and share

A silver coin was down inside, among the nuts it tried to hide

Shelves of cars, were on the wall, we could not touch them, not at all

Sentinels of childhood times, of Christmas time and nursery rhymes

Around the tree, we gather there, where joy and laughter fill the air

Piles of toys around the tree, which one of them could be for me?

The baby boy hands out the things, that parents in their wisdom bring

Exchanging love with family dear, and cars with wheels that we can steer

Chess boards, dolls, a model plane, tinker toys, a hoist and crane

Entertained the whole day long, then top it off with joy and song

At church, our family filled a pew, and felt like we belonged there, too

Shared love for God through hymns we sang, and hummed along while church bells rang

Watched Grandpa put his money in, the plate they passed from end to end

Learned to say Amen with force, responding to the sermon’s course

We fellowshipped around God’s word, His love for us is what we heard

Now decades later we look back, not a blessing did we lack

The power of that time we shared, God’s pardon for the times we erred

The values that our parents taught, have never truly come to naught

God’s truth lived out in lives back when, leads us today as He did then

Our legacy, be ever true, to point our kids, oh God, to You

By Justin Ogden

Copyright December 4, 2016

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